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Advent: The Script of Scripture


Embrace the Holy Scriptures. Hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them because they nourish within us grace, patience, and comfort as we anticipate our Lord’s return....

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What Is Advent?


Beginning Sunday and continuing into the next four weeks, Christians across the world celebrate the season referred to as Advent....

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James: A Guide to Authentic Christianity

James Post

James’s short but incisive letter teaches what it means to walk in the way of wisdom that issues forth in authentic Christianity. ...

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Book Review: Not the Way It's Supposed to Be

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Ignoring sin makes us less conscious of it, and when we become less conscious of sin, we become less conscious of grace. ...

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Can Women Read Scripture and Lead Prayer on Sunday Mornings?


The elders believe it is not only permissible but also desirable for both men and women to participate in the public prayers and Scripture reading in our corporate worship services....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Galatians 2:16


Truly there is no other way to be justified before God outside of Christ’s righteousness imputed upon us through faith....

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Open Membership in Baptist Churches?


Open membership advocates make strong, credible arguments for their views. These arguments deserve careful and charitable engagement, even as they may prove to be unconvincing in the final analysis. ...

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Scripture Memory Meditation | 1 Peter 1:1-2


We are dependent on God’s undeserved favor to us and the peace that only Christ brings to us in this troubled world....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Galatians 2:20


Because Jesus was faithful to the end, we can look to him and be confident that he is interceding for us now as we strive to walk in his example....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | 2 Corinthians 5:21


Salvation came at a cost. Remembering the story of Abraham and Isaac reminds us of that cost. We see that “God was willing to sacrifice for you what was most precious to Him.”...

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